As 2019 draws to a close, it’s time to review your finances and look forward to the upcoming year. The last few weeks of the year tend to be a mad rush to wrap up loose ends, usually in a frantic fashion. Taking a few moments to calmly plan can help you take advantage of opportunities to grow your wealth and get you one step closer to reaching your goals. Here are several brief topics of financial advice to consider in the coming weeks that could ultimately add to your long-term bottom line as well as give you peace of mind.
Emergency Fund
If you have not already done so, give yourself and your family the gift of an emergency fund. Our recommendation is that you have six months worth of expenses saved and easily accessible in a low risk and liquid type of an account such as a money market account. You can reduce the size of your emergency fund by any guaranteed income you receive, such as paychecks, pension, Social Security, or Municipal Bond income.
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